Why Group Classes?

"The class was great because it helped my daughter gain confidence. It was so fun! Then when she performed, it was a good experience learning how to overcome nerves; getting to do that with a group of friends rather than being up there alone on stage was perfect. She felt very proud of herself afterward."

As a music school owner, sometimes I get the question: “Why group classes?”

I get it. We’ve been told over decades that traditional, one-on-one music lessons are the way to go.

But, are they?

Many scientific investigations say otherwise.

We learn dance, martial arts, sports, etc. in a group setting. So, why is learning music any different?

It shouldn’t be, according to various scientific studies, as well as a quick glimpse into music history.

Let’s dive into some reasons why we provide group classes, like the Rapid Rock Band, instead of individual private lessons.

Benefits for students:

Learn to play with other musicians, increasing musicality and ability exponentially.

This is a huge one! It’s one thing to play by yourself - where you’re in control of the tempo, you’re not forced to develop a focused ear, or pick up on subtle social signals in order to create a cohesive audible creation. However, when the group is dependent on you building and lessening dynamics together as one unit, while synchronizing tempo & rhythm, you are forced to learn that ability… and quick! This puts you on a faster track to leveling-up your musicality.

The social aspect will increase fun, inspiration, accountability, and leadership skills.

There is no doubt that the students I have in group classes have way more fun than those who were in one-on-one classes! The slightly older students have had (and enjoyed) many opportunities to develop their leadership skills within the group setting by reiterating to the younger students their previously learned concepts. While the younger ones glean confidence from the older. If there is a form of frustration within a well-practiced student aimed at a student who is not well-prepared, rest assured the ill-practiced student returns readily prepared to play with the others who have held him accountable to do so. All in all, everyone gets more practice in, therefore increasing their musical ability.

Students will hear others' questions and perspectives, leading to a richer learning experience.

We don’t know what we don’t know. And sometimes, it takes another person to ask the right questions. Many problems within the classroom are solved with this less-opposing way. This saves a lot of time, energy, and aggravation within a student who subconsciously feels something off, yet doesn’t know how to express or articulate such a feeling. They therefore learn faster, filling in the gaps and connecting the dots at a rapid rate.

With weekly opportunities to perform for others, confidence will increase while reducing performance anxiety.

It’s important to get as much performance time under your belt. Whether that’s performing for your parents, friends, a live audience, or even in front of a mirror. Group classes offers yet another opportunity (weekly!) to increase a student’s confidence by performing for her peers. By the time the big student concert comes around, they are more than ready to conquer the stage!

Students will make new friends!

This happens naturally. In all my years of doing this, every single rock band that has formed ends in friendship. I’ve had students invite other students to their birthday parties, church, or other get-togethers after having bonded over their experience in our rock band class.

Benefits for Parents:

Smaller investment.

Some private lessons can get up to $300+ per month, without the added benefits mentioned above. With our Rapid Rock Band program, you get the most “bang for your buck”.

Longer sessions (1 Hr) = more time to yourself (grab a hot coffee)!

This one is self-explanatory. We all need that hour-long break to breathe!

More convenient, as siblings can attend the same class.

As a father of 2, I celebrate an amenity whenever I can! This also is a great, unique way to reinforce relationships and strengthen bonds as a family.

Because of the social environment, group classes make it easier to get your rock star to practice!

Getting your child to practice can be like pulling teeth! However, iron sharpens iron. And within a group setting, the sense of responsibility grows! You won’t have to beg for your kiddos to practice, since it’ll come naturally while attending a group music class.


Group music classes really rock! It’s more fun, exponentially beneficial for musical development, forms bonds & community, is easier time-wise and financially, and it’s the ultimate confidence booster for your kiddo!


Top Ten Practice Tips! - Part 1